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I'm currently indulging myself in the world of translation.




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suggestions from AmyLord@ptt.cc

Company Sees Leap for Cellphone Cameras By ASHLEE VANCE, Published: March 21, 2010

MENLO PARK, Calif. — Mobile photographers could soon have much better cameras on their cellphones, thanks to technology known as quantum dots.

感謝 量子點 這項新技術,喜歡用手機照相的使用者,很快就能擁有比現在更好的手機相機了「量子點」這項新技術即將為喜歡用手機照相的人帶來福音

InVisage Technologies, based in Menlo Park, Calif., has spent more than three years trying to build a proprietary film that coats the image sensors used in cellphone cameras and allows them to capture more light. The film stands as a rare commercial use of an exotic semiconductor material called a quantum dot.

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Wall Street Crisis as a Reality Show  

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